Ever wondered why Our Thoughts Affect Our Weight loss?
Have you ever wondered why our thoughts can have a negative affect on our weight loss?
Our minds are our most powerful tool, our sub conscious mind control our actions, therefore what our thoughts are what controls our behaviour.
Think about it, how many times as a child where you told “you will always be a big girl?” Either from family members or friends, or another classic insulting comment is “you are just a big boned girl”.
If you hear those comments from an early age and often enough you will eventually believe that to be your truth. It then stores away in your subconscious mind as a fact and stays there.
If you think about that thought then it makes complete sense that our subconscious minds will then see as us a “big girl” and however much weight we lose we will not identify as a slim person as our subconscious mind still tells us we are “big.” Unless we address those subconscious thoughts, nothing will change permanently.
It makes sense of the toxic yoyo dieting cycle of restriction-based weight loss that we simply cannot sustain, and it is only a matter of time before for all the weight we have lost will be regained, (and usually some extra too), as we still identify ourselves as “big.”
Our minds simply cannot accept the truth as a fact, that we are now slim, as it is not who we identify ourselves with in our subconscious minds.
Diet companies make a huge fortune out of women hating their bodies and offer us a logical, restrictive solution to weight loss. For most of the clients I work with they have an emotional relationship with food 9just like I did,) and you cannot fix an emotional problem with a logical solution.
All of the clients I work with are serial yoyo dieters and have wasted a fortune on all types of bizarre eating rituals that are not sustainable long term.
The work I do in my “step by step with Sarah-Jane” coaching group is a completely different approach.
We look at how we view ourselves, and work from there as our starting point.
My weight loss techniques have nothing to do with how you look, but everything to do with how you feel.
I know the formula to permanently losing weight as I have lived the experience of losing 12.5 stone in weight and sustaining it long term.
I work successfully with many clients sharing my weight loss tools and techniques and help them learn to value and respect their physical and mental health.
Any of this sound familiar? I would love to know, please leave a comment below.
Its so true – how you feel and working on that is a game changer. Working with Sarah Jane makes me confident which changes my mindset on food x
It has been a pleasure working with you Helen and watching you grow in confidence and you just radiate health , I hope you are proud of yourself x