Gwenda Smith on How To Calm a Noisy Mind

Awake again, tossing and turning through the night, finally asleep, only to be woken by the shrill of the alarm. My head is heavy, the incessant thoughts already running full speed and simply won’t be quiet feels like a freight train running through my head.
The constant barrage of useless thoughts that keep you awake and make feeling tired an everyday thing is exhausting.
Can you relate, have you had days where it seems that your mind is out of control?
I have had many nights and days of this and today I would like to share with you the simple practical steps I use to have a calm and peaceful mind.
Before I share those steps with you, I would like to take you on a journey that I hope will bring you helpful insights for healthier happier days.
When I did my certification to be a qualified registered Master Personal trainer, we had to come up with a unique, individual slogan. My slogan is“Fit for Living, Well for Life”.
The experiences I had during my years of nursing certainly challenged my conditioned beliefs around sickness, illness, and disease. To this day I am grateful for those experiences. And the profound experience I had when I was a scrub nurse in operating theatres which changed my acceptance of illness, sickness, and disease for good!
Feeling good, being healthy and fit has always been a “thing” for me, the decision to become a Master Personal trainer was really a natural progression on my career path in health and wellbeing.
I believe if there isn’t balance in the mind, body, and soul then there is pain and physical illness.
My ethos of “Fit for Living” is to have a wonderful sense of who you truly are and feel confident to live in your own skin being that true self every day.
To shine your radiance, have mental tenacity and emotional resilience so that no matter what comes your way you can move through it and come out the other side stronger and more powerful in being your true self.
There are many challenges in our daily life and those challenges are a wealth of treasures. Treasures that offer you the opportunity to live a richer, happier, harmonious life.
“Well for life” is how we look after our physical body so that it can overcome any so-called illness, disease, or injury. Being well for life is to be able to enjoy moving about with ease, to embrace the day with gusto and vitality. To see things from a different perspective and be open to new ways of seeing things. To have a sense of humour and know how to let go of the small stuff.
To be well for life we must nourish our body and mind with good food, thoughts, and actions.
Here are the 3 steps for you to move toward having a calm mind today.
- Pause, relax your arms and shoulders, take 3 gentle deep breaths.
- Imagine a filing cabinet – look at your thoughts and choose which ones you file and which you would put in the bin.
- Journal the important thoughts and decide on action to take for each one.
Which step can you take right now?
By Gwenda Smith
Gwenda Smith a Spirit Medicine Woman.
Spiritual & Holistic Wellness Mentor, Educator
A leader in Holistic natural healing, complementary medicine, and self-healing.
A driven, dedicated Spiritual mentor, taking students on a pathway of ascension and transformation.
A dynamic, warm, inspiring, and powerful Internationally recognised speaker.
My vision is to show you the way to your inner greatness and innate wisdom so that you can be free to live every day knowing how to release, pain, illness, and disease. To live the life, you were meant to.
A glorious life!
- Internationally recognised speaker
- Holistic Wellness & Spiritual Healing Practitioner
- Prophetic Visionary Healer
- Spiritual Mentor
- Author
I found Gwenda’s artical easy to read and found her 3 steps to calm yourself a very easy way to do that. So many times you find yourself trying to quiet your mind unsuccessfully. Her words through out the artical are inspirational and powerful.
Great read, I have a lot of intrusive thoughts so I love the suggestion of the filing cabinet, filing & binning then journaling with a plan of action, thank you Gwenda, I’m keen to start this right away.
I found Gwends article to be very helpful in learning how to quiet the mind and enjoy peaceful nights sleep.
Wonderful article Gwenda.Life is so fast these days there’s barely a chance to catch one’s breath.Your three steps to help one take time out and stop the endless chatter are sure to be of great help to anyone making the effort to become well and centred.
Thank you, Amazing Gwenda your insights, your journey is very inspiring, and helpful. Yes, I can relate, I have had days, everyday, everything was exhausting, my mind was out of control, a really noisy mind.
Step 1 is the step, I can take at this moment to move toward having a calm mind now, to rest peacefully. I am grateful to wake to a bran nu day, to smell the fresh air, to see and feel the sun shining, to hear birds chirping harmoniously in the trees, tasting freshly squeezed lemon juice. Excitement to welcome a wonderful day.
To pause, relax my arms and shoulders, taking 3 gentle deep breaths, breathing out tension, I feel pain leave my body.
I love the practical steps to calm the mind particularly the imagery of a filling cabnet and bin. Very fitting for me at the moment. I love it how these great messages find us when required.
I read the words with your lovely voice in my head Gwenda making it an even more relaxing lovely read.
What a helpful quick read! I also experience the rush of thoughts as soon as I am conscious from sleep. I think what I need most now is Step 2. It will surely help in letting me focus on my tasks better.
What a helpful quick read! I also experience the rush of thoughts as soon as I am conscious from sleep. I think what I need most now is Step 2. It will surely help in letting me focus on my tasks better.
Excellent article – especially the filing cabinet metaphor – thank you Gwenda ❤️
I love the way Gwenda explains things, so simple and straight to the point which makes the steps easy to follow.
I have one of those minds and will definitely be trying this.
Gwenda is always inspirational and allows you to empower yourself through love and encouragement.
The filing cabinet is a great metaphor and useful – a useful tool also suggested in the Harry Potter story with Dumbledore’s sorting hat. Thank you for your clear, concise suggestions to assist people on their journey to find calm within.
You have an amazing way with words, so easy to follow your suggestions. I am sure that anyone who needs advice should listen to you or read any information that you share. You are truly inspirational Gwenda.
Loved Gwenda’s article her insight is very intuiative and welcoming in helping to implement a very simple practice when trying to sleep and your mind is going crazy. Gwenda’s article was easy to understand and informaive and intriguing at how much she has experienced and knows. Loved reading Gwenda’s ethos of “Fit for Living – Well for life.”
So very true Gwenda, I know my mind wakes me every night it’s never quiet. I will try your recommendations as I would love to have a peaceful mind.
Life is so full of problems & not only your own, just watching the news is enough to push you over the edge.
Thank you for your article & hopefully sweet dreams.
What a great article! Someone that always struggles to calm their noisy mind. This article was great with easy to follow steps that actually work. Gwenda’s words are always powerful and calming as well. All done with the purest and genuine heart!
I have always found it extremely difficult to shut my mind down from a busy day of work, and just daily life worrying about family etc. Gwenda steps are easy to follow and genuinely WORK. Why not give this a go? As so many people are saying that it is helpful. Thank you Gwenda for all your great work. You’ve helped me in many ways. Not just with my sleep, you always seem to know what is needed.
It’s nice to understand that we are not alone on this journey to maintain our mental health (and thrive). Thank you for sharing about this important topic. I’m a big journaling fan. I write to Feng Shui my soul, to heal and process. It’s a powerful tool!
Excellent advice that feels doable, without further overwhelm, thank you.
I look forward to putting these simple steps into action as I would love to quieten my noisy mind. Thanks for your article.
A truly helpful and insightful article on how to calm ones mind, especially in this chaotic world that we live in. Gwenda’s 3 step guide to attaining a calm mind is spot on, very informative and helpful. :-)))
Love the positivity in this article. Thank you Gwenda
Thanks Glenda, awesome quick read with some gems of wisdom. I will definitely be trying out the filing cabinet visualisation !
What an amazing article Gwenda so well written and great steps to follow simple but very powerful
I loved Gwenda’s article and can totally relate. I loved the suggestion of picturing a filing cabinet and to bin what you don’t need. Her next suggestion of journaling important thoughts and deciding what action to take was very helpful also:)
Our world and our lives are so busy, our noisy minds rarely find peace and quiet. We often look for complicated solutions. Gwenda’s wise words and simplistic 3 steps to a calm mind can be applied at anytime of our day or night.
I loved the article, beautifully written and easy to read . Thank you Gwenda for your guidance.
Gotta love a good short read with some helpful & practical, easy to follow steps. Will share the filing cabinet idea on with a friend who came to mind
Simple and effective solution to relax. Sometimes it’s nice to have these reminders – they really help. Thanks gwenda.
wow what a great Read Gwenda is the real deal of Divine Healing and love so good!
Beautifully articulated and wonderful advice. These are simple steps that i am going to try and put into action. Thank you for your wisdom & inspiration. ♥️
Always very sage words. A gifted person to follow and respect with topics that can help us be well beings in the not so wellness of lifestyle served up on a plate to us all in community.
Wonderful article! I love Gwenda’s ethos for Fit for Living and Well for Life. I’m putting a wholle lot of thoughts in the filing cabinet today.. And a good reminder that some thoughts are better off in the bin 😉
Thank you Gwenda for this very practical advice. We are living in unsettled times and your insightfulness is greatly appreciated. Many of my friends are finding it very difficult to settle and sleep and complain of waking frequently with troubled minds. I shall definitely share this with them. Bless you.
Love the FIT FOR LIVING. WELL FOR LIFE. It is perfect analogy. This article is easy to ready and the 3 steps for sleep, are simple and practical. User friendly is what people need today. Congratulations Gwenda. Great read.
The three steps are very helpful indeed.
The first suggestion to “pause” is a must. Lots of us need to be reminded to slow down and take a breathe.
Directing us to be mindful of our physical being where we hold tight to those menacing thoughts that run on replay at all the wrong times.
All really helpful thank you Gwenda, to the point and real!
What a great easy to read article! The steps sound easy to put into place whether you want to choose one or all of them. I think I may need to empty my filing cabinet ☺️
I agree wholeheartedly about needing to balance the mind body and soul to let our true selves radiate.
Gwenda, superb article, inspirational and doable! In short centralise, calm, declutter and move forward is what I take from this amazing advise, you truly are a fantastic mentor, thank you
I relate to the late-night thought marathons, and it’s exhausting! Your journey to mastering mind and body harmony is truly inspiring. Love the filing cabinet analogy for managing thoughts—it’s a practical tool we can all use. Thanks for sharing your insights and actionable steps to achieve mental tranquility. It’s a reminder of how interconnected our physical and mental health truly are.
Very helpful tips and I can certainly relate to the monkey mind. Thank you Gwenda