Emma Bullock-Lynch offers top tips to look after your brain whatever your age
It’s never too soon to start looking after your brain health. Fortunately Efamol’s nutritionist Emma Bullock-Lynch is here with some top tips for looking after your brain health at any age.
Keep Active
There are many studies showing the benefits of exercise on brain function, which is important because as we age the hippocampus found in the brain, shrinks in late adulthood, leading to impaired memory.
The UK Government guidelines advise Adults (19-64 yrs) should aim to be active daily. Over a week, activity should add up to at least 150 minutes (2½ hours) of moderate intensity activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more – one way to approach this is to do 30 minutes on at least 5 days a week. Finding something you enjoy with others makes exercise a joy and will ensure you’re likely to continue. Jogging, dancing, cycling are all easily accessible.
Get organised
If your workplace is messy or your house looks like a bomb site this may be contributing to your inability to concentrate or find anything. Decluttering your environment can be therapeutic, Marie Kondo is a Japanese author who advocates the benefits of tidying up and how it can spark joy. She has some useful techniques which may help you start the process. Keeping an efficient diary, calendars and routines will make recollection a lot easier and infinitely less stressful.
Eat Oily Fish & Berries
Oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, tuna is the main dietary source of Omega 3 DHA. Eating these types of fish 2-3 times a week is a great insurance policy for your brain health.
Eat foods rich in anti-oxidants like Vitamins A, C and E. These three nutrients are known to protect the cells in the body from the stress of oxidation. Foods rich in anthocyanins and polyphenols such as berries and cherries are delicious to snack on or for breakfast – and both are full of Vitamin C. So why not start your day with a berry feast rich in antioxidants.
Learn something new
There are many actors, scientists, authors and academics, practising still into their 80’s and 90’s. One thing they have in common is they are constantly learning. Keeping your brain active has been shown to delay memory decline. One study suggests doing crossword puzzles delayed onset of memory decline by 2.54 years. Challenging your brain is hugely beneficial. If crosswords aren’t your thing try: a new hobby, play chess, learn a new language, learn a musical instrument, join a book club anything to get the greys cells stimulated.
Keep Sociable
Having an active social life, volunteering for a local charity or being part of something away from work can help stave off loneliness and depression which can occur at any time of life. By combining learning something new with socialising with friends is an amazing brain tonic.
Take a supplement
And don’t forget that you can always supplement with Efalex Brain Formula Capsules, which provides a unique and researched ratio of essential omega fatty acids in a more concentrated dose. These are a particularly good choice for people who don’t like oily fish.
What do you do to keep your brain healthy and active?
By Emma Bullock-Lynch
About the author
Emma Bullock-Lynch is the in-house nutritionist for Wassen. Emma is an Association for Nutrition (AfN) registered nutritionist, with specific experience working in the food supplement industry. Emma is passionate about helping people improve their health and wellbeing through personalised supplementation.