Laura Gutiérrez: Transform your daily life one breath at a time

Breathing is a natural gift we all have, yet, it is often overlooked. While we can survive without food for months and without water for days, we cannot last long without air. The breath hold record is set at 24 minutes and 37 seconds by professional diver Bladimir Sobat. That’s not even half an hour! Yet, breathing is such second nature to us that we breathe without awareness of the miracle that we have under our nose.
Breathing in and out is a cycle, and we could even say it’s a cycle of life. When you breathe in, you are taking in life energy in the form of oxygen, and that initiates a cascade of events in the body, from the contraction of the diaphragm to the gas exchange in the lungs. And when you breathe out, you are letting go, releasing what doesn’t serve you anymore, physically and also energetically. Our amazing body is always working towards maintaining a state of balance, or homeostasis, which I actually like to call Harmony.
Becoming Emotionally Fit using your breath
This is where breathwork comes in, because at its core it’s a tool that helps us regulate our nervous system on the go and in an instant, and ultimately become more emotionally fit, meaning being able to navigate life’s uncertainties and challenges resourcefully. It’s as if we had been gifted with an innate tool that can help us prepare for action or help us experience calm and relaxation, all on tap!
Yes! I say on tap because what breathwork really means is to consciously control your breathing. That’s it! And guess who controls your breathing? You do. Yes, you get to choose how to breathe and when to breathe. You can do something as simple as to breathe in for a count of 5 or 6, and exhale for the same amount of time, and in less than a minute start experiencing a sense of presence, clarity and calmness. This, by the way, is what the Heart Math Institute has called Coherent breathing, and they have done tons of research on this breathing technique.
Breath awareness is the key
Breathing consciously requires becoming very aware of how you breathe. Is your breath usually shallow or deep? Are you breathing too much air or even holding your breath when you are under pressure or stressed? These questions are a great way to begin tapping into the power of your breath.
Once you have become acquainted with your breathing, you can start changing it to help bring a new experience to your day to day. For example, if you notice that your breath is shallow, especially when you are at work, you can practice longer exhalations, which have been shown to slow down your heart rate and therefore promote a sense of calmness in mind and body. And the best part is, you don’t need to be an expert meditator or yogi to benefit from breathwork practice. Breathing is for everyone, and it’s your choice to become conscious of your breath, change it to your liking and in this way impact the quality of your thoughts and the quality of your emotions, which ultimately will impact the quality of your life experience. Imagine the possibilities of consciously changing your breathing!
What could be the ripple effect of this change in your day to day?
If you are curious to learn more about breathwork, emotional fitness and self discovery, I invite you to follow me on Instagram or Facebook @theloveapproachproject, LinkedIn or visit my website
Laura Gutiérrez
Laura Gutiérrez is a versatile wellness professional with over a decade of experience in Vibrational Medicine & Coaching. Laura helps people transform their relationship with uncertainty with the use of breathwork, emotional fitness coaching and vibrational medicine so that they can navigate the stress, changes and the inevitable challenges that life brings with calm and confidence. She runs online and in person private and corporate workshops, group events and also works 1:1 sessions with clients. Her client base includes companies such as P.E. Nation, McGrath Real Estate, Don Adan Coffee, Our Yoga Space, among others. She is based in Sydney, Australia.
Wonderful topic we should all be more aware of!! loved the “on tap” analogy 🙂
Really enjoyed this article, gave me a lot to think about and how I breath and tried the exercise and it did change my perception. Want to lean more.
Fabulous Robert! Thanks for sharing your experience! 🙂
A very insightful and informative article, especially the fact about conscious breathing and emotional fitness
Thank you for reading Uma, I’m glad you found it useful! 🙂
Love this topic, thanks for the reminder that just a few seconds of breathing can take us to a better and more calm mindset.
Absolutely Vanessa! Conscious breathing really is a game changer! 😉
Very insightful
Thanks for sharing Laura. So much more to breathing than most of us think about.
It’s a practice that we can be mindful of everyday. Thank you for your article Laura!