Mike Wertheim: Fix Digestion Issues with a Personalized Elimination Diet


If you suffer from unpleasant digestive symptoms such as gas, bloating, heartburn, or rashes, an elimination diet can help you identify and eliminate specific foods or food groups that don’t work well with your unique body chemistry. A digestive health app like Belly Buddy can help. In this guide, we’ll see how to use such an app to implement a personalized elimination diet.

Creating Your Personalized Elimination Plan

  • 1) Log Your Food and Symptoms: After downloading the Belly Buddy app, use the app every day to log all of the food you eat and all of your digestive symptoms. After two weeks, the app will have enough data to do its analysis. Belly Buddy’s algorithm will give you insights into your food intolerances. For example, you might discover that you experience symptoms 75% of the time after consuming dairy, or 66% of the time after eating foods classified as FODMAPs. With this information, you can now plan your elimination diet.
  • 2) Identify and Replace High-Risk Foods: After you identify a food that you want to eliminate, remove that food from your kitchen and work area completely in order to avoid temptation or innocent mistakes. Be sure to check the labels of packaged foods if you’re not sure whether they are really free of the foods that you’re trying to eliminate. Replace eliminated foods with suitable alternatives to ensure you maintain a balanced diet. Consult dietary resources or nutritionists for guidance on substitutions that align with your preferences and nutritional needs.
  • 3) Rinse and Repeat. If you make an adjustment to your diet, it’s time to do a new analysis with Belly Buddy. Go to the Belly Buddy home screen, tap the menu icon and select the “Delete My Belly Buddy Data” option. Now, you can input your updated food and symptom information into Belly Buddy as you follow your new diet.

Collaborating with Healthcare Professionals

While Belly Buddy provides valuable insights, it’s helpful to work with a healthcare professional for a comprehensive approach to your digestive health. Seek guidance from a professional who specializes in digestive health to tailor your elimination plan based on Belly Buddy insights. Share your Belly Buddy reports with your healthcare team, fostering a collaborative approach to your digestive well-being. Let them know if you’re experiencing any difficulties with the new diet. They can provide personalized advice and help ensure that your nutritional needs are being met.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Digestive Health

Belly Buddy empowers you with insights, but it’s the combination of these insights with thoughtful action and professional guidance that leads to lasting results. Remember, your journey to digestive wellness is unique. What will you be able to do in your life once you’ve reclaimed your digestive health?


Mike Wertheim


Mike Wertheim is the developer of Belly Buddy and has studied how food choices correlate with digestive symptoms extensively.

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