
I used to let the number on bathroom weighing scales dictate my mood and self-worth. Does that sound familiar to you?

Are you constantly weighing yourself? Do you feel sad if the number is higher than you like? Well, if you do, please know that you are not alone.

Society tells us that we need to be a certain size in order to be accepted. We are constantly being shown images in magazines, on social media that are air brushed or digitally altered so even their bodies do not look like they do.

It is “selling” us a toxic lie, so please do not think that is a reality. I have found on my weight loss journey that losing weight alone did not make me like my body more. In fact, after losing over 6 stone I remember looking in a full-length mirror and feeling sick at the reflection staring back at me.

I realised that to learn to like my body I needed to focus on my mental health as well as my physical health.

As a food addict I had regularly used food to soothe my lack of self-worth, but if I wanted to remain losing weight on my journey to better health, I needed to learn techniques to improve my self-esteem.

The first self-help book I ever read was “how to heal by Louise Hay.

I started to say daily positive affirmations to myself in the mirror, for example “I am enough”, “I am worthy”, and “I deserve to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself”.

This technique was me soothing myself with words instead of binge eating comfort food to soothe myself. This was fairly, early on in my weight loss journey, way before I educated myself in nutrition and before I realised that ultra processed foods are purposely engineered to be highly addictive substances.

I have now lost over 12.5 stone in weight and most importantly sustained it long term.

I use the tools and techniques I have learned on my journey to start a membership group; it is a safe, confidential, supportive community where we can share our struggles. Being part of a community naturally increases your self-worth.

These days I no longer weigh myself, in fact I threw my bathroom weighing scales away as they filled me with anxiety. These days I use walking in nature, daily exercise, positive daily affirmations, daily meditation and yoga to soothe myself when the self-loathing rears up its ugly head.

And to keep track of my weight I have a pair of slim fit, size 10 jeans!

You have to find what works for you as we are all different and individual. One thing I found out on my journey is that our self-worth has nothing to do with a number on a pair of weighing scales.




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